a supplement to  Jeremy's Prophecy Dot Com
notes on blog . . .
so really, truthfully, it goes without saying, or maybe it doesn't, but who can contain the excitement. that ultimate blastoff... this is more powerful than cocaine.... this is trust.
and then some . . . i mean how long can the truth be not said....

no here's a real good super secret, big-top circus like secret. . . jungle boys

for one the ether blog is only phase 1 (but limiting this to numbers is no so good, but good for phase 1, so that like any phase perhaps after phase 3 would no longer be a phase, in phase 3 or thereabouts an individual experienceing a phase around 3 would recognize the limiting aspect of declaring phases altogether),

for one, though, the ether blog is a gateway, an iCE breaker.... and I do mean ICE. See here only when the ice is broke . . . . . VERY BIG CLUE . . . . Only when the ice is broke have we got any near dam chance of ever (for once) forgetting what we constantly are remembering

other sites by digital revolutionary:: keith kimmel
Jeremy's Prophecy Dot Com
Jelly Filled Catharsis

©1999-2005 Keith Kimmel, all rights reserved for some special event to be celebrated later, perhaps on mars, or venus.